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How to Verify a Professional's License in Wichita?

While hiring a competent professional is important, making sure that the individual is eligible to work in your city is also crucial. Therefore, residents of Wichita must always ensure that the professional they intend to hire is licensed for the job. There are currently four licensing agencies for professionals in Wichita and other cities in Kansas and they include, the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board (BSRB), the Kansas State Department of Education, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts, and the Kansas State Board of Technical Professions. These agencies license qualified individuals in behavioral sciences, education, medicine, and technical professions respectively. For example, the State Board of Technical Professions issues licenses to architects, engineers, geologists, and land surveyors, and you can verify a technical professional's license by utilizing the board's professional license verification system. Similarly, you can verify a medical professional's license by using the board of healing arts license search tool, and a psychologist's license by using the BSRB's license verification system. Note that in addition to these state-issued licenses, some professionals in Wichita may also need other licenses to be eligible to work in the city. For example, contractors in Wichita are mandatorily required to obtain a professional license from the Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Building and Construction Department. You can verify whether a contractor is licensed in Wichita by calling (316) 660-1840. Likewise, Wichita also requires all contractors to be licensed by the city's Building Inspection Division. You can verify if a contractor is also licensed by the Wichita Building Inspections by calling (940) 761-7459.

Having verified your professional's license status, you must ensure that this individual also obtains the necessary permits for the job. For example, when carrying out a home improvement or construction project in Wichita, residents must ensure that the city building codes are followed and correct building permits are obtained. The Wichita Building Inspection Division is responsible for issuing building permits for all types of construction work in Wichita. All queries concerning building permits can be directed to Wichita Building Inspection Division by calling (940) 761-7459.

Kansas Contractor License Search:

Do Wichita Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

No, neighborhood associations and homeowners associations in Wichita do not have the power to issue building permits. However, these associations typically advocate for their communities on matters that affect their safety and welfare. For example, members of the Ken Mar Neighborhood Association were active in stopping the proposed plan of turning a school building in the community into a chain of apartments. Members of the association maintained that the new apartments would increase the number of crimes and violence in the community. In addition to advocating for their communities, neighborhood associations can also set up plans to improve safety in the neighborhood. For example, the Downtown Neighborhood Association created a plan to improve safety in downtown Wichita's growing communities last year. The plan would address the issue of homelessness and improve the number of security cameras in downtown communities. You can find a list of neighborhood associations close to you by downloading the Wichita neighborhood associations map.

How Do You File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Wichita?

Residents of Wichita can file a business complaint with the Sedgwick County Office of the District Attorney. Complaints can be filed by calling (316) 660-3600, or by downloading, printing, completing, and submitting a consumer complaint form to:

  • Sedgwick County
  • Office of the District Attorney
  • 18th Judicial District of Kansas
  • 535 North Main
  • Wichita, KA 67203

Upon receiving the complaint, the Office of the District Attorney decides if it is appropriate for mediation, further investigation, transfer to another agency, or formal legal action. However, residents of Wichita must understand that the Office of the District Attorney cannot act as a private attorney in the matter, and it is not within the jurisdiction of this office to intervene in private civil disputes. Residents who intend to take civil action against a business can contact a private attorney on how to go about it. Matters involving a total value of $4, 000 or less can be filed in the Sedgwick County Small Claims Court. Lastly, consumer complaints involving criminal offenses like identity theft, fraud, and vandalism can be reported to the Wichita Police Department by calling (316) 268-4111.